"A Fine Festival...a Jewel"


Extraordinary praise for Sef Albertz's most recent album «Bunch of Strings - A Trilogy Con Guitarra!» (Label Florentyn Music, 2024).
The magazine Akustik Gitarre reviews Albertz's creative work
As a composer:
"a milestone of good music"

As arranger:
"a great addition to the repertoire"

As a performer:
"powerfully interpreted"

Sef Albertz's album includes his own three-movement Suite for Solo Guitar «...alla Bach!» (in the style of Bach) and two of his compositional reinterpretations - unprecedented in the repertoire of the instrument: A guitar quartet version of Robert Schumann’s «Kinderszenen» and Felix Mendelssohn’s «Lieder ohne Worte», reimagined for Guitar and Strings.

The German publication also adds:
"[...] a CD with three works that deserve attention for going beyond boundaries [...] magical [...] exciting [...] full of splendour".

Albertz's music scores for these and other works can be purchased through Universal Edition at:


In sold-out event on September 6th, Sef Albertz's «...was man mir einst erzählte!» (…what once was told to me!) received its world premiere.
Albertz - himself a skilled guitarist “who dominates his instrument masterfully” (KulturAspekte) - played the large-scale guitar cycle, one of his most recent compositional works - “a milestone of good music” (Akustik Gitarre Magazine) at the emblematic venue WERK 2 in Leipzig.
In a captivating combination of music and reading, whose inspiration comes from the heart-warming story ‘The Little Prince’, the cast was completed by Gabo Albertz and Anna-Maria Maak, who read excerpts from the book, in addition to the projection of the fascinating illustrations by Eduard Alberto Maak.

"Rarely has an event gripped me from so many perspectives. It was with great joyful thrill and engagement at the highest artistic level to introduce a wonderful new work to the world.
The fact that such a touching, exciting, heart-warming total work of art has been created also makes me deeply happy.
It was performed in such a natural, creative and empathetic way..."

(R. Sonntag, event attendee)

Published by Universal edition, the music score book - including illustrations! - is available here:


Composer and guitarist Sef Albertz performs the world premiere of his new composition «...was man mir einst erzählte!» - a full evening cycle for guitar based on the touching book «The Little Prince».

The recital includes a staged reading of extracts from the celebrated book with Gabo Albertz & Anna-Maria Maak.

The event will take place on September 6th (8 p.m.) at the Cammerspiele (WERK 2) in Leipzig. More Information


«...was man mir einst erzählte!»
and other compositions by Sef Albertz are available at
Universal Edition.


Listen to the Australian premiere of Sef Albertz's reimagined version for guitar and strings of Mendelssohn's Lieder ohne Worte.

Following the nationwide transmission on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC Classic) on 7 June, enjoy now the performance of Albertz's work - unprecedented in the guitar repertoire - with soloist Karin Schaupp & Camerata - Queenland's Chamber Orchestra here:


An amazing Australian premiere from composer Sef Albertz. On May 22nd & 24th Guitarist Karin Schaupp and Camerata - Queensland's Chamber Orchestra gave "A passionate serenade of guitar and strings featuring [...] Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words with a new arrangement by Sef Albertz for guitar and strings. The string arrangement worked well, using double bass to meter the bouncing violins with an effective mix of pizzicato and bowing [...] with the vibrant guitar notes glowing among the strings, finishing with a tender two plucks in unison", according to Limelight - the Australian magazine for music, arts and culture.

Find out more in the article Sef Albertz in Focus, available from the Vienna-based publishing house Universal edition:


Extract from a great review of Sef Albertz's newest album «Bunch of Strings» on German Podcast Feuilletöne.

Some extracts in English:

"...New and versatile things that are otherwise not attributed to the guitar.
This album is in fact so great because
it's a fascinating interplay of tradition and innovation
It's simply marvellous.
The album has a great dramaturgy
[...] that goes beyond the conventional
you should definitely listen to «Bunch of Strings»...!"


Exciting May days in composer Sef Albertz's calendar. After the release - last Fri. 17th - of his acclaimed Album «Bunch of Strings» (For the world of music, the album is an enrichment, on many levels”- KulturAspekte) is following the Australian premiere of Albertz's Suite Concertante for guitar and orchestra, reimagining Mendelssohn's «Lieder ohne Worte», a work featured in that recent production and which Sef Albertz - as soloist - premiered at the Gewandhaus Leipzig during the First Edition of the Festival Con Guitarra! in September 2009.

Guitarist Karin Schaupp and Camerata Queensland's Chamber Orchestra will perform this work on Wed. 22nd (Queensland Performing Arts Centre, with Live stream) and Fri. 24th (The Empire Theatre, Toowoomba) .

Find out more in the article Sef Albertz in Focus, available from the Vienna-based publishing house Universal edition:


A wonderful review from the German online Magazine KulturAspekte about the new Album «Bunch of String | A Trilogy Con Guitarra!», where Sef Albertz presents as composer and performer a unique and exciting new guitar repertoire:

“...the musician Sef Albertz preserves the character of the originals and designs the new musical excursions as a tribute to the genius of the classics, while at the same time clothing them in an extraordinary musical garment that gives the melodies an undiscovered dimension that is well worth exploring - and more than once [...] For the world of music, the album is an enrichment - on many levels”.

All album scores available in Universal Edition, here:


On his new album «Bunch of Strings» (Label Florentyn Music - Release May 17, 2024), Sef Albertz expands the spectrum of the guitar, not only in terms of sound, but also in terms of repertoire.

 "It sounds absolutely wonderful. Congratulations to the arrangements
and to your beautiful playing!".
(Göran Söllscher: Swedish guitarist, Prof. Malmö Academy of Music - Lund University,
Deutsche Grammophon Artist)

The starting point of this Trilogy Con Guitarra! by the Venezuelan-German composer and guitarist is his three-movement Suite for Solo Guitar «...alla Bach!» (in the style of Bach): a conscious search for the musical presence of the great Thomaskantor (Church Cantor of St. Thomas) from Leipzig.
Then, with compositional reinterpretations - unprecedented in the repertoire of the instrument - Albertz constructs a chamber music dialogue of the guitar with itself and, subsequently, with the string instruments, based on two milestones of music of all times: Robert Schumann’s «Kinderszenen» (Children’s Scenes), reimagined for Guitar Quartet, and Felix Mendelssohn’s «Lieder ohne Worte» (Songs without Words), reimagined for Guitar and Strings.

Albertz's all music scores of his new album are published by the renowned Vienna-based Universal Edition and can now be ordered HERE.

Listen to the singles and excerpts from the album here:


Sef Albertz's music is now published and distributed exclusively by Universal Edition (UE).

"[...] a unanimous decision after reviewing your scores [...] we consider your work to be very interesting [...] We are very much looking forward to distributing your work and are excited about your future artistic activities!".

Thus commented the Universal Edition's Artistic Committee on Sef Albertz's music and the new artistic partnership, which includes the publication of orchestral and chamber music as well as works for solo instruments, including the guitar works of the virtual series Leipzig Trilogy Con Guitarra! , his Guitar Concerto and more.

Check out Albertz's profile on the website of the prestigious publishing house under:

A new virtual series
Leipzig Trilogy
Con Guitarra!

Supported by the Leipzig Department of Culture (Kulturamt Leipzig) and curated by Anna-Maria Maak & Sef Albertz,
the project CON GUITARRA! is proud to present a video series inspired by the creative work of
J.S. Bach, R. Schumann,
F. Mendelssohn
and the sound of our iconic six-string instrument.

Preludio by Sef Albertz
from the three-part guitar cycle '...alla Bach!'
(Composition, interpretation & video choreography
by Sef Albertz)

Extracts from Kinderszenen by Schumann - Albertz
for Guitar Quartet
(Composition, interpretation & video choreography by Sef Albertz)

Extracts from Lieder ohne Worte by Mendelssohn - Albertz
for Guitar & Strings
(Composition, interpretation & video choreography by Sef Albertz)


is a project where the Venezuelan and multifaceted creator
(composer, guitarist and pedagogue)
and extraordinary musician and versatile German artist
find the common point to develop,
"with the finest success" (Leo Brouwer),
their exciting and fascinating artistic & educational proposals 
since 2009 in the German city of Leipzig
under the patronage and cultural support of
among others.



On his new album «Bunch of Strings» (Label Florentyn Music - Release May 17, 2024), Sef Albertz expands the spectrum of the guitar, not only in terms of sound, but also in terms of repertoire.

"It sounds absolutely wonderful. Congratulations to the arrangements and to your beautiful playing!".
(Göran Söllscher: Swedish guitarist, Prof. Malmö Academy of Music - Lund University,
Deutsche Grammophon Artist)

The starting point of this Trilogy Con Guitarra! by the Venezuelan-German composer and guitarist is his three-movement Suite for Solo Guitar «...alla Bach!» (in the style of Bach): a conscious search for the musical presence of the great Thomaskantor (Church Cantor of St. Thomas) from Leipzig.
Then, with compositional reinterpretations - unprecedented in the repertoire of the instrument - Albertz constructs a chamber music dialogue of the guitar with itself and, subsequently, with the string instruments, based on two milestones of music of all times: Robert Schumann’s «Kinderszenen» (Children’s Scenes), reimagined for Guitar Quartet, and Felix Mendelssohn’s «Lieder ohne Worte» (Songs without Words), reimagined for Guitar and Strings.

Albertz's all music scores of his new album are published by the renowned Vienna-based Universal Edition and can now be ordered HERE.



'An Andalusian Elegie'

Anna-Maria Maak (Narration & Piano)
Sef Albertz (Guitar)
Texts: Juan Ramón Jiménez
Music: M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco


SEASONS (2015)

Sef Albertz & his guitar students
(Including world premiere recordings of works by Sef Albertz)
„a so interesting and professionally conceived CD recording...a valuable medium to share and to expand creativity with others”
(Torgauer Zeitung)


HOMMAGE (2013)

Double Album including
world premiere recordings.
Music by J. S. Bach, Schumann, Mendelssohn & Sef Albertz. 

Anna-Maria Maak (Piano),
Sef Albertz (Guitar) & Strings from MDR Sinfonieorchester


HOMMAGE (2013)

Double Album including
world premiere recordings.
Music by J. S. Bach, Schumann, Mendelssohn & Sef Albertz.

Anna-Maria Maak (Piano),
Sef Albertz (Guitar) & Strings from MDR Sinfonieorchester



Duo Albertz plays world premiere recordings of new Ibero-American Music for Flute & Guitar.
All compositions written for and dedicated to Sef Albertz
by Leo Brouwer (Cuba), Carlos Cruz de Castro (Spain), Diego Feinstein (Argentina) & Marlos Nobre (Brazil)



Duo Albertz plays traditional and contemporary Ibero-American
Music for Flute & Guitar
including  lyrical & virtuoso
compositions from Cuba, Argentina, Brazil & Venezuela

c/o Maak & Albertz
Littstr. 9 HH, 04103
Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 341 9 27 78 00

Maak & Albertz
Anna-Maria Maak 
Sef Albertz

Please send us your suggestions! Feedbacks would be appreciated.

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